Would you expect to perform at your best if you played football without pads, ran cross country without shoes or played softball without a glove? Of course not. Eating the right foods are no different. Food is your body's fuel. Good clean fuel equals a healthy and lean body. What (and when) you eat is the secret weapon to your best health and sport performance outcomes.
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Optimal nutrition will
Jennifer will work with you to achieve your personal goal(s), improve athletic performance and provide sustained energy for your personal and professional demands.
There are literally millions of supplements, powders and drinks on the market that claim to make you a lean, mean muscle-building machine. However, many times the "all natural" pills and powders for sale are not what your body actually needs to fuel its way to the top. Many people take the supplement route thinking they will get the body they desire faster and easier. In reality, people get caught in a marketing, money trap and are often left wondering why they are working so hard and not seeing sustained results. The fact of the matter is that most people do not need the plethora of manufactured drinks, powders and supplements that are often sold to them by unqualified individuals. ALL athletes need REAL food and they need to know WHEN and HOW MUCH to eat. This should be decided by a credentialed sports nutritionist. Working with a credentialed sport nutritionist will give you the desired results you are looking for while saving you time and money.
For best results, it is critical to find a sports nutritionist that is a credentialed health professional. Credentialed sports nutritionists are registered dietitians (RD) that also have a board certification is sports dietetics (CSSD.) These individuals have gone through specialized curriculum to earn at minimum a bachelors of science degree, gone through hours of supervised clinical training, and have passed national exams. Once credentialed, these individuals are then regulated by a national commission to ensure safety and efficacy.
Credentialed Sports Nutritionists are - experts in how macro and micro nutrients affect human biochemical and metabolic pathways - are licensed to treat those with special dietary needs (ie: food allergies, diabetes, heart disease ) - are part of the medical model and work with physicians, physical therapists, nurses and pharmacists. - are qualified to work with children, youth, adult and senior athletes. COACHES & ATHLETIC TRAINERS
Athletes practice and perform better when they eat properly. Maximize your team potential with proper nutrition.
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